The Love of Jesus

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Even though Jesus, the Messiah, did miracles and showed the love of God the Father, to all around Him, many of the people only followed and accepted Jesus for what He could do for them.  They did not recognize Jesus for who He really was, and they never showed true and deep appreciation for the things He did for them.  Each day, over and over, they saw what Jesus did and took advantage of His great compassion for people; but as soon as many of these people were no longer receiving the benefits of Jesus’ love, they turned away from Him.  Some even turned against Him.  Some who even ate from the loaves and fishes, later called for His death.

It is from many, many, many personal experiences that I draw from in the process of writing this.  If none of this seems to ring in your spirit, be thankful.  If some conviction comes, please realize it is conviction and not condemnation.  Simply use the conviction to search yourself and ask God for help in making the changes and usher in His True Love.

There are many today who still carry such shallow love.  So many claim love but do not show it.  They do not “walk it out”.  How many tell others, “I love you”, or “We love you”, and never really follow through with this “love” they claim.  How many times, I have heard those empty words uttered, with no proof of them put into action.  Some have done exactly as the people did to Jesus… accepting whatever I could do for them and then betraying me after getting what they wanted; only to want to reconcile when they wanted something more from me.

Jesus’ second command was to love others as you love yourself.  Too many narcissistic sermons have been preached about having to “love yourself first”.  This is NOT scriptural!  The “first” command is to “Love the Lord, your God…”  Jesus taught of doing for the needs of others before your needs.  Jesus example was to put our needs ahead of His Own life – Literally!  (Note: the word each case is ‘needs’ and not ‘wants’, which is another false-teaching that is far too commonplace.)  Jesus never taught that it is important to love yourself.  He did speak of being a good steward, and feeding yourself, and caring for your needs, but not of self-love of letting the needs of another go unsatisfied, while your wants are met.

Jesus spoke of giving food, drink, and clothing to those in need.  And as we do this, He views it as doing unto Him.  The same goes for NOT giving to the needs of another – It is also withheld from Him.  Additionally, there are the visits to those in prison that Jesus also stated as being done as unto Him.  This does not only and literally apply to those imprisoned, behind bars.  It applies also to those who are in emotional, spiritual, and bodily prisons.  Those alone and lonely, going through tough emotional or financial times, and/or those infirmed and cannot get out.  Many times a simple visit and some company can break spiritual or emotional ‘prisons’, but even such a simple and easy gesture is rarely done, even among a single congregation.

Instead, I hear the words spoken about loving someone, but not much action behind those words.  Certainly, it is rare, and even more so if it involves me giving up my wants for your needs.   I know of one man, a supposed Christian, who demanded that another man give him the money to fill the NEED of his daughter to go to Disneyland.  The one who had the demand put upon him had nothing to his name.  Yet, he was expected to even give up his food money, so the other man’s daughter could go to Disneyland!  Though this is extreme, I have seen so many other, lesser instances of this same thing in the modern church.

Are you doing as previously mentioned?  Are you really, and honestly, truly…“Showing” Love or just “Talking” it?  Love, as Christ showed it, requires something of us.  It is not just something we say; it is something we are to do.

Here is a simple quiz:  The answers are even provided for you.

Ask any Christian if they carry within them the Spirit of God and they will respond with an emphatic, “YES!”  Ask them where the temple is, and they will point to themselves.  Ask if the Holy Spirit guides our lives, and you’ll get another, “Yes.”  Does the Holy Spirit speak the mind and will of God to us, and get another, “Yes.”  Ask them who the body of Christ is, and they will say, “The Church.”  Ask them what the church is and they say, “Me – Us.”  Ask any believer, “Are you a friend of God?”  The answer again will be an unequivocal, “Yes!”  Finally, ask where Jesus is, and the answer is, “At the right hand of the Father, in heaven.”  At least those had better be the responses.

So, to make this all very clear:  Jesus is in heaven.  The Body of Christ is the Church, and the Church is us.  The Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us with the mind and will of Christ.  As Christians, we are friends of God.  Any Christian will be affirming these statements.

Jesus said…

John 15:12 This is My commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you.

John 15:13 Greater love has no man than this, that a MAN lay down His life for His friends.

John 15:14 You are My friends, if you do whatsoever I command you.

v.12: Love one another as He Loved Us.  This means, as He did when He walked the earth.

v.13: He even lay down His physical life for his “friends”.  And we can’t even speak encouragement or make a small sacrifice for another?

v.14: If you really ARE His friend, you will DO whatsoever He has commanded.  Notice the word “IF” in the middle of Jesus’ statement.  If you do not do as Jesus commanded, then you are not His friend.  Jesus said His life was laid down for His friends; for those who “DO” as He command… Not just talk about it.

Personally, my biggest concern with this is how many I love, but refuse my love; some even return evil for good.  I continue to love them anyway.  It really hurts though and is very discouraging and breaks my heart, over and over.  But then, Jesus said we can expect to be treated as this.  Afterall, He was.